Lewis Palmer Senior Portrait Session – Sydney with her violin


Lewis Palmer Senior Portrait Session – Sydney with her violin

I have been so excited to share Sydney’s gorgeous Lewis Palmer senior portrait session on the blog, we had the best time during her senior session! Sydney is a senior at Lewis-Palmer High School in Monument. We did her senior pictures in the fall at Cathedral Pines. This girl is one of the coolest and talented people. She’s a musician- who plays violin and we incorporated it into her photo session.

Sydney, the camera totally loves you! I had the hardest time trying to narrow down the final images because you totally rocked your session! Thank you so, so much for choosing me to be your senior photographer, I hope you loved the experience as much as I did! I wish you great success in life and with  your violin.

If you’re looking for the ultimate senior portrait experience and want custom, beautiful senior pictures, let’s chat!

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